The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Seaview Tavern at the above time & date.
All positions on the Executive will be open and available for nomination for the 2015 season.
As it is highly likely that some current members of the Executive and committee will not be standing for re-election it is crucial that any persons interested in standing for a position or assisting the Club in 2015 make it known prior to the AGM.
Planning for the 2015 season MUST commence IMMEDIATELY.
It is essential that the 2015 Executive and Committee be decided at the AGM.
Please contact me on
0425787171 if you are interested standing for a position or assisting the Club in any way in 2015.
It would also be appreciated if all current players (all grades) and staff could indicate to me their intentions for the 2015 season as soon as possible and prior to the AGM.
Please call me on the above phone number or forward me your intentions by email at: Any advice received by me will remain confidential if that is what your desire.
All financial members of the Club are urged to attend the AGM.
If you wish to become a financial member of the Club please telephone our Secretary Paul Dwyer on
0419122912 or email him at
pdwyer2456@gmail.comStu Evans